Tollywood Jakkanna Rajamouli Big budget bonanza “Baahubali” is creating ripples in southern film industry even before the release . Now, once again the film unit is creating a unique name for itself by doing something that has never been done before in Telugu Cinema. Internationally renowned Foley recording artiste Phillipe Van Leer will be working for the film in Belgium. These are renowned in Europe and around the world.
Foley recording will give filmmakers the right ambient sounds and background noises that will go a long way in increasing the authentic feel of a scene. Water sloshing, swords jangling together, footsteps on hard marble, ripple of a cloth in the wind etc. are some of the sounds that Foley artistes try to recreate effectively. Rajamouli and his team have chosen this and designer P.M. Sateesh to enhance the audio visual experience of “Baahubali” for the movie goers.