Well, that is the buzz we can hear anywhere in film nagar about sexy siren Samantha. We can understand that this Chennai beauty has gone vanished after her biggest debacles of Rabhasa and Sikinder, and has not interacted either with media or with her fans since then. Currently shooting for Trivikram-Bunny’s upcoming movie in Hyderabad, she took part in a recently started talk show named ‘Konchem Touchlo Vuntey Cheptanu’ being hosted by talented anchor Pradeep. Going on the lines of Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan, this talk show is all about exploring that personal-side of celebs, knowing their likes and dislikes, and digging a little into their personal lives. Already we have seen episodes related to Kajal and Naga Chaitanya, and those two decided to stay mum about their love lives. But we need not expect the same with Samantha, as she is known for her daring nature and outspoken attitude. Because of that, many are expecting Samantha to open her mouth at least now and share something about her love life. Lets wait and see.